Posts in Prose
Pandora by Paola Ferrante

If I told my daughter this story, I would say don't ask why, or what if it had happened another way. I would say the way the story goes, there was a woman and there was a particular box and this particular box had a guy inside it; actually the box was a white cube van running down the middle of a busy sidewalk, full of women on a sunny afternoon.

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Nadja Lubiw-Hazard: "Between Breaths"

 Inhale. I take a deep breath in through my nostrils. The air travels through the cartilaginous rings of my trachea, divides at the bifurcation of the bronchi, rushes down smaller and smaller pathways. It expands my lungs, widening my ribcage, stretching my diaphragm, raising my collarbones. Seconds pass before I release the breath, letting it stream out slowly, whispering away to nothing. Exhale.   

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