Hot ancient hum on my bare
hands at harvesting, taught me to ask
permission. May I take some? May I take more?
Thank you.
drag that’s a queer art form, drag with its deeply transgender history, drag that uses gender as its palette and canvas. that drag.
It was a joyful experience to bring these pure expressions of my love and longing for this place, my heart’s home, up with me when we were finally able to travel there, photograph them in the place that inspired them, and see how perfectly they settled into the environment.
Swimming is one of the things that has brought me joy throughout years of chronic illness, and is one of the few times I dependably feel at ease in my body.
I think the Fool has a particular knack for isolating the splendour of a moment, because a Fool loves a beginning.
when you hold it in your hand
it is a lemon
yellow and oblong
you feel its weight in your palm
smell the fragrant rind of intimacy
With so many knitters and crocheters pontificating on what it means to be indulgent, it’s no wonder that I feel conflicted about making things for myself.
“Tonight May Be” is an interactive piece that explores the dynamics of language as both liberatory and tyrannical.
“The Mariner’s Daughter” is a short interactive poetry piece about choosing to date a ghoulish selkie girl. Put your volume on.
The practices of care and grooming trigger conflicting feelings of shame and desire for the women, revealing a complex relationship between pleasure and memory.
We do love the ways writers and thinkers write and think through pleasure as a concept, a tool, a means of active survival--as in the case of our Lorde and saviour who describes pleasure and self-care as “political warfare” or M. NourbeSe Philip, who reminds us that “To love! is to resist.”
I wanted to make a dress-up game that is surprising and fun for the player, and rewards experimentation, but still involves respecting the boundaries of the person being dressed.
I think home is where there is freedom and safety, and home might be made and remade through practices of beauty.
“Moments after waking, attention feigns raw / as I watch the edges of you expand and withdraw— / tracing the spotlight of morning sunbeam / cast on the vulnerable canopy of your ribcage.” Read Michelle Arnett’s haunting poem.
Sheniz Janmohamed blends ephemeral art made of sand and flower petals with captivating lyric poetry.
The first time I masturbated I was thirty years old. Placing my panties just above my knees while gingerly feeling myself, I mustered all the strength I had to be at peace with the act and let my sensations take over. It remains one of the most daring and transgressive things I have ever done.