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Canthius is seeking new leadership

Founded in 2015, Canthius incorporated as a federal non-profit in 2019. After a decade of fulfilling work, the founding members of the organisation are moving on to other projects by the end of this year.

We would love for Canthius to publish and thrive into a second decade under new non-profit leadership. It can take years for a literary journal to establish sustainable funding sources and a dedicated audience—our hope is that a new cohort of feminist writers will build on Canthius’s existing organisational base with fresh ideas and perspectives. Without new leaders for the non-profit, Canthius will dissolve and cease publishing. 

Prospective leaders for the non-profit should share Canthius’s commitment to fostering a safe and equitable publishing space that acknowledges intersecting forms of marginalization. We seek individuals committed to cultivating enduring relationships based on principles of anti-oppression and restorative justice. Due to the colonial origins of our legal system, non-profit leadership must be held by Canadian residents.

Our current non-profit structure is broken down as follows, though distribution of responsibilities could be adjusted to suit individual skills and preferences. The current leadership is committed to facilitating a smooth transition and will provide training and support as needed.

For further details or to express interest, please contact Claire Farley at

Here’s hoping for another decade of intersectional feminist publishing in Canada!

Board of directors

  • The Director supports Canthius’s day-to-day operations and is the main point of contact with staff.

    • Leads hiring process for new staff, including managing editor of Canthius magazine

    • Trains Managing Editor and supports training of other staff members, as needed

    • Prepares and manages budget with Treasurer; is second signatory on corporate bank account

    • Supervises all fundraising activities, including grant writing and final reports

    • Checks Canthius’s primary email account and responds to emails

    • Takes ownership of the non-profit on all official corporate records

    This is a volunteer position and is unpaid. The time commitment varies: 2 hours on average in a week, but up to 10 hours when grants and final reports are due. This position is best for someone with strong collaborative leadership skills and experience with publishing.

  • The President provides operational support and is the main point of contact with the Board of Directors (BoD).

    • Plans and chairs BoD meetings

    • Guides the development and implementation of Canthius’s corporate operation (policies, contracts, bylaws, corporate filings, etc.)

    • Ensures that Canthius’s mandate is being met and provides administrative and operational support when needed

    • Takes ownership of the non-profit on all official corporate records

    This is a volunteer position and is unpaid. The time commitment varies: 2 hours on average in a week, but up to 10 hours when filings are due, or meetings are being planned. This position is best for someone with strong organizational skills and experience with non-profit operation.

  • The Treasurer oversees Canthius’s finances and ensures that the organisation adheres to all legal accounting practices. The treasurer does not necessarily need to be a registered accountant but should have bookkeeping experience.

    • Manages all banking and receipts, including payments to contributors, staff, and editorial board

    • Contributes to the development of annual budgets

    • Prepares and presents financial statements and reports

    • Submits necessary tax filings

    This is a volunteer position and is unpaid. The time commitment varies: 2 hours on average in a week, but up to 10 hours when statements and filings are being prepared or contributors need to be paid.